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Papal Bulls of 1493 - [Full Text] [Relevance: 60.0%]
The document presents the four papal bulls issued by Pope Alexander VI in 1493....
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Other Title: Bull (Inter catera) granting lands newly discovered, or to be discovered, to Spain; Bull (Inter cetera) establishing the line of demarcation; Bull extending the apostolic grant and donation of the Indies
Type of Material: Manuscript
Author(s): null, Alexander VI null
Place of Publication: Rome, Italy
Date: September 25, 1493
Period: Pre-16thCentury
Keywords: <font class='highlight'> Pope</font><font class='highlight'> Alexander</font> VI King Ferdinand Queen Isabella Reconquista <font class='highlight'> papal</font> bull-3 May 1493 Christopher Columbus expedition to West Indies expansion of Christianity dominions of Spain possessions of Portugal <font class='highlight'> papal</font> bull-3 May 1493, expedition of Christopher Columbus,<font class='highlight'> papal</font> bull-4 May 1493, Demarcation Line
Subjects: Spain<font class='highlight'> --</font>Colonies--Boundaries Demarcation line of<font class='highlight'> Alexander</font><font class='highlight'> VI</font> Portugal-- Colonies-- Boundaries Pope<font class='highlight'> Alexander</font><font class='highlight'> VI</font> 1492-1503 Catholic Church--Philippines--History Bulls,<font class='highlight'> Papal</font><font class='highlight'> --</font><font class='highlight'> Pope</font><font class='highlight'> Alexander</font><font class='highlight'> VI</font> Bulls,<font class='highlight'> Papal</font>--1493
Reviewed by James Alexander Robertson. In James Robertson's Bibliography of the Philippine Islands
This is the first bull of the above date, for particulars of which, see VOL. 1, pp. 339-341. We translate from the version published in Heywood's Documenta selecta et tabulario secreto Vaticano (Roma, 1893), where the facsimile of the bull is also given. This bull has been published in many collections, etc. (see ut supra, pp. 339, 340). There are two manuscripts in existence: one in the Vatican; and one (written on paper) in A. de I.; Simancas bulas y breves pontificos en favor de los Reyes Catolicos acerca de la ereccion de catedrales y nombramientos de obispos; aelo 1493 al 1538; est. i, caj. i, leg. i (first discovered at Simancas in 1797 by J. B. Mufioz). VOL. I, pp. 97-103.

Reviewed by James Alexander Robertson. In James Robertson's Bibliography of the Philippine Islands
The second bull of this date, for particulars of which see VOL. I, pp. 339-341. We translate from Heywood, ut supra, pp. 21, 22. Published also in various other works (ut supra). Manuscript copies exist as follows: one in the Vatican; and one in A. de I. (ut supra), which was copied in I505. VOL. I, pp. 103-105.

Reviewed by James Alexander Robertson. In James Robertson's Bibliography of the Philippine Islands
This bull supersedes the two preceding bulls. We translate from Heywood, ut supra. For bibliographical details, see VOL. I, pp. 339-341 (for published versions, pp. 339, 340). Manuscript copies exist as follows: one in the Vatican; one in Lisbon - Torre do Tombo, Gaveta 10, maço II, nO. 16; one in A. de I. -est. I, caj. I, leg. I, no. 3 (on parchment); and one in B. M. (a Spanish translation)- papeles varios de Indias, add. 13, 977. Vicente Llorens Asensio (La primera vuelta al mundo, Sevilla, 1903, pp. 91, 92) says that this bull was always considered in the indices of the Archivo de Indias as a copy of the first bull of 1493. VOL. 1, pp. 115-111.

Reviewed by James Alexander Robertson. In James Robertson's Bibliography of the Philippine Islands
For bibliographical details of this bull, see VOL. 1, pp. 340, 341. We translate from the Spanish version given by Navarrete, Coleccion de viages (1825), ii, pp. 404-406; (1859), ii, pp. 449-451. This bull has been known only through the Spanish translation, made by Gracian de Aldrete, secretary of Felipe II of Spain, and Harrisse's search in the archives at Simancas, Sevilla, and Rome failed to discover any other copy. However, Llorens Asensio (ut supra, p. 91) says that there are two copies of the bull in A. de I., to which he gives the following title: "'Nudum Siquidem omnes et singulas Insulam' aclarando y ampliando lo concedido A los Reyes Cat6licos por la de 4 de Mayo del mismo afio, de lo que se descubra en Indias." Both of the copies seem to be written on parchment, and are accompanied by the leaden seal. Llorens Asensio adds also that Navarrete assigned the date Sept.15 in place of Sept.16 to this bull. VoL.., pp.111-114.

Papal Bull, Eximiæ - [Full Text] [Relevance: 55.0%]
In this Papal Bull dated 16 November 1501, Alexander VI grants permission to the Spanish monarchs to levy tithes...
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